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QuarryScapes guide to ancient stone quarry landscapes


QuarryScapes Atlas



Quarry landscape
of the month

August 2008

June 2008

April 2008

December 2007

May 2007

February 2007

December 2006

November 2006

September 2006

August 2006

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

Googlesearch in Quarryscapes


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The QuarryScapes Project: conservation of ancient stone quarry landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean

NB! QuarryScapes book for sale now! click here.

The spectacular monuments and cities of the ancient Near East are testament to an industrial past where large-scale stone procurement remains unsurpassed. Yet, stone quarries are forgotten as key archaeological sites, rich in material remains of crucial significance if we are to understand the social and technological practices of an age when stone was quarried and transported par excellence. Largely invisible, undocumented and unprotected, these ancient quarry landscapes are being destroyed from actions such as modern development and quarrying.

The inspiration for the ‘QuarryScapes' project comes from the necessity to put these ancient industrial landscapes on the map before it is too late and to raise awareness of their research potential across a broad spectrum of audiences, from archaeological researchers to the interested public. The ‘QuarryScapes' project drew together professionals from academic and other institutions in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, UK, Belgium, Italy and Norway to focus specifically on documentation, conservation and heritage management of these fragile quarry landscapes within the first collaborative and innovative project of its kind.

EU sixth framework programme, specific targeted research project

Contract number: 015416

Start date – End date: 01/11/05 – 31/10/08

Note: any use of texts, images, reports or other content of this web site must give reference to the source (authors if given, or www.quarryscapes.no if not). Use of images, maps or texts from the web site in printed publications cannot be done without permission from author/photographer or web editor.

The QuarryScapes project is officially terminated, but this web site will remain active and updated regularly.


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December 2009
New book: a special volume with papers from the QuarryScapes project soon printed.
November 2008
Final workshop: the third QuarryScapes workshop was held in Aswan 12. - 15. October
June 2008
Final Reports: available for download
June 2008
More Palaeolithic quarries in Aswan Recent visits to the Aswan West Bank in Egypt have added new discoveries...

April 2008
QuarryScapes third workshop Aswan, October 12-15 2008

April 2008
Rescue of an obelisk top in Egypt Aswan, March 2008

December 2007
Second QuarryScapes Workshop 18-21 October 2007, Petra, Jordan

December 2007
Final Reports: Aswan West Bank Ancient Quarry Landscape

March 2007
New Aswan City: Rescue survey in progress

March 2007
QuarryScapes fieldwork in Egypt: The final season of survey at the Aswan silicified sandstone quarries revealed previously undocumented ancient paved roads

December 2006
Second Aswan field season The second QuarryScapes fieldwork season in Aswan took place through November 2006.

November 2006
First symposium
The first QuarryScapes symposium took place at Divan Talya hotel in Antalya (Turkey) 15-17 October 2006.
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Coordinator: NGU - Geological survey of Norway, Tom Heldal. Tlf: +47 73 90 40 00 . Partners. Layout: Lisa Løseth, NGU.