Sadly we have to report that sporadic ad hoc damage, increasingly by ‘desert tourists’ is becoming an increasing threat to cultural heritage sites outside of Egypt’s main centres. The West Bank Aswan is no exception and it is with regret that we have to inform of an attempt made to remove inscriptions from the Seti I obelisk top at Gebel Gulab the only ‘monumental’ stone artefact with ‘royal’ inscriptions of the New Kingdom known in the quarries (damage observed Nov ’07). The obelisk top has now, regrettably, been temporarily removed from the quarries to a secure place on the West Bank, at Gubbet el-Hawa, until an effective site management plan can be implemented to protect these quarries. This exercise was undertaken under the auspices of the SCA and with kind and generous assistance from the German Institute, Elephantine Island, Aswan.
Text by Elizabeth Bloxam
An attempt to remove royal inscriptions from the obelisk top by sawing, Gebel Gulab, West Bank Aswan as first observed in November 2007. (photo: E. Bloxam).
Moving the obelisk top: first phase - removing the object from the Gebel Gulab silicified sandstone quarries. March ’08 (photo: E. Bloxam).
Temporary resting place of the obelisk top by the ticket office at Gubbet el-Hawa, West Bank, Aswan. March ’08 (photo: E. Bloxam).
Untitled Document
December 2009 New book: a special volume with papers from the QuarryScapes project soon printed.
November 2008 Final workshop: the third QuarryScapes workshop was held in Aswan 12. - 15. October
March 2007 QuarryScapes fieldwork in Egypt: The final season of survey at the Aswan silicified sandstone quarries revealed previously undocumented ancient paved roads
December 2006 Second Aswan field season The second QuarryScapes fieldwork season in Aswan took place through November 2006.
November 2006 First symposium
The first QuarryScapes symposium took place at Divan Talya hotel in Antalya (Turkey) 15-17 October 2006.