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QuarryScapes guide to ancient stone quarry landscapes


QuarryScapes Atlas



Quarry landscape
of the month

August 2008

June 2008

April 2008

December 2007

May 2007

February 2007

December 2006

November 2006

September 2006

August 2006

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

Googlesearch in Quarryscapes


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Project description

QuarryScapes is the first project of its kind for addressing the importance of ancient quarry landscapes and raising the awareness of the urgent needs for protecting such sites. The initiative to QuarryScapes was taken by Elizabeth Bloxam (UCL), Per Storemyr (NGU) and Tom Heldal (NGU), and the consortium was formed during the summer of 2004. The application was sent to the FP6 INCO-MED programme September 2004, and approved by the Commission February 2005. The project started November 1 st 2005 and will last for three years.

QuarryScapes will develop scientific and practical methodologies for documentation, characterisation and conservation of ancient quarry landscapes, raise awareness of the significance and vulnerability of such sites and contribute to legal protection measures and sustainable management of ancient quarry landscapes. Through case studies in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey, the project will address development of theoretical and practical methods pertaining to the major steps in the process of conservation: from recognition, investigation and assessment of significance, to understanding the risks, developing sound conservation and monitoring concepts, and suggesting mechanisms for sustainable management.

QuarryScapes combines research and innovation-related activities. The research component is especially related to characterisation, detailed site survey, value assessment methodologies, as well as risk assessment and monitoring methodologies. The innovation component draws from these studies, as well as from other studies in related fields, and is particularly related to development of practical conservation concepts for specific sites/landscapes and sustainable management through inventory and GIS-based maps/atlases.

The most important general outcome of the project will be a booklet with general guidelines for investigation, value assessment, risk assessment, monitoring, conservation and sustainable management of ancient quarry landscapes that can be used in a range of cultural and historical contexts. Each year the project will organize open workshops, the first of which will take place in Turkey October 2006. In addition, QuarryScapes aims at disseminating project results through a variety of professional and scientific publications.

Download project description


QuarryScapes consists of ten work packages (WP's) and case studies will take place in three different countries. (Click to maximize figure)


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December 2009
New book: a special volume with papers from the QuarryScapes project soon printed.
November 2008
Final workshop: the third QuarryScapes workshop was held in Aswan 12. - 15. October
June 2008
Final Reports: available for download
June 2008
More Palaeolithic quarries in Aswan Recent visits to the Aswan West Bank in Egypt have added new discoveries...

April 2008
QuarryScapes third workshop Aswan, October 12-15 2008

April 2008
Rescue of an obelisk top in Egypt Aswan, March 2008

December 2007
Second QuarryScapes Workshop 18-21 October 2007, Petra, Jordan

December 2007
Final Reports: Aswan West Bank Ancient Quarry Landscape

March 2007
New Aswan City: Rescue survey in progress

March 2007
QuarryScapes fieldwork in Egypt: The final season of survey at the Aswan silicified sandstone quarries revealed previously undocumented ancient paved roads

December 2006
Second Aswan field season The second QuarryScapes fieldwork season in Aswan took place through November 2006.

November 2006
First symposium
The first QuarryScapes symposium took place at Divan Talya hotel in Antalya (Turkey) 15-17 October 2006.
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Coordinator: NGU - Geological survey of Norway, Tom Heldal. Tlf: +47 73 90 40 00 . Partners. Layout: Lisa Løseth, NGU.